Hello there, thanks for being here.

the formal intro:

(for the juicy version, keep scrolling)

I was the first employee at EBates. And there I learned that building product sometimes is blending business judgement with artistic instincts.

Prior to my work in product I was a private equity investor with Robert M. Bass and The Carlyle Group, as well as working in mergers and acquisitions at James D. Wolfensohn Incorporated — giving me a unique lens into the world of start ups.

I am a graduate of Wellesley College and Harvard Business School.

Laura Hale - Product Leader

Current Favorites:

Inspiration comes from everywhere. Here are a few things getting my creative juices flowing.

The Real Scoop:

I am a product creator and an endless optimist. I love adventure (the-let’s-build-a-start-up kind, not so much the skydiving kind). I am happiest when I am in over my head and have a lot to learn. My favorite place to spend a free hour is our local independent bookstore. I am a mother with 4 tween/teenagers who delight and teach me every day. I have been married to Jamie for over 20 years, and I still pinch myself that I get to do life with him.

I’m an east coast girl, born and raised north of Boston. The ever-charming, ever-changing San Francisco Bay Area is now home. (And, New York will be part of me forever; maybe one day I’ll live there again).

I am Head of Product and Co-founder at Ladder (and before that I was on the early team at Ebates). I started my career in investment banking and private equity. I am grateful for a foundation in finance. Start-ups are now in my blood, and Ladder is where my passions for innovation and finance collide.

I have learned a lot along the way. I believe the tight constraints of early stage companies present an opportunity for creativity. I believe shipping is an act of courage. I’d rather work with someone who is committed to making a difference than someone who wants to be smart. I believe being unflappable is one of the most essential qualities in an entrepreneur, and I believe technology is at its finest when it is built in service of people.